Saturday, March 24, 2007
12:07 AM Again, I met up with og7, but this time in Ikea. Because of the tiresome monthly business, my head throbs, my body aches, and I developed a slight fever. But! Somehow, the presence of my og later made me feel alot better, like they're my medicine, or even relaxation therapy. My og works wonders :)) Still couldnt get over Abel's new hair. Laugh was all i could do. Anyway, I returned to St.margs for my Guides' AE. It was when I saw Angel and Gen then I realized how bloody much I miss them. Seeing them in their SA uniform and me in AC's, it finally dawned on me that we're now stepping into our different paths. My heart gave sudden jolts of pain, and my eyes stung. It didnt help when they said "Haha, our uniform is the nicest", cuz it just made it all the more obvious that I'm no longer part of their new lives. I thought about Cheryl and Jesslyn, and I felt outright devastated. Seems like I'm the only one amongst the 4 of us who'll feel this way, cuz the fact is that i'm the only one who's no longer in SA. Soon, I wont be able to cam whore with Angel on a weekly basis even when all the pictures we take will look the same (Me on the left, Angel on the right, Classic smile). Looking at the pictures I just took with her tonight, and seeing us in diff uniforms, it just doesnt seem right. Being naive and hopeful as I may be, I just pray that we'll be talking and laughing together 10,20, 50 years down the road. BFF, best friends forever, that's what we are. Is that only my wishful thinking? [jaN3___*] Friday, March 23, 2007
11:27 PM Nessa and I had a sudden impluse to return to SA after school. We eagerly cabbed down to SA, only to find that timo and abel has left to play street soccer at the nearby HDB void deck. Nevertheless, we bought our beloved soursop lime and strawb soursop (I hav no idea, but it just hav to be soursop lime and not lime soursop, strawberry soursop and not soursop strawberry). We said hi to lots of ppl, and attracted quite a few stares from strangers, cuz we were walking ard in SA in our AC uniform. Haha :)) Met Abel and Timo in the street soccer court. THe moment i caught eye of Abel from afar, i burst out into howls of laughter, and i couldnt stop for nuts. He got an absolutely lavishing hair style. Abel got caught in school for his hair, and was sent to the "barber" along with other guys. At first, he was standing somewhere near the end of the queue, until he decided to open his mouth and say to the DM: "Ey DM, your hairstyle very stylo, I want to cut like you." What goes around comes around. DM: "You, come in front. You'll be the first. Barber, cut short for him." The results turned out great. HAHA :D -------- Being street soccer, there were lots of random teams of ppl. When i walked over to the bin to throw smth, a malay boy who looks THE MOST sec 2, tried to act cool and start up a conversation with me. I cant believe he just tried to hook me up. HAHA!! It was damn funny. He was like only around 140 cm. HAHAHA :)) -------- Slightly terrified by the flying of the ball, LL, nessa and I went to buy MOO MOO ICE CREAM!!! It was so good. The plus point was that while LL was eating hers, i rammed her ice cream into her face, then she took revenge and rammed hers on my face. -------- After the soccer maniacs had decided to call it a day, Timo, LL, nessa and I decided to go queue for donuts at the donuts factory. We spent the whole 2 1/2 hours bridging and laughing :)) Fcuk the woman and gayshit who cut our queue, claiming that they're with the group in front. Honestly, I'm a pretty patient person, but it really got on my nerves when 2 prickheads cut the queue of ppl who've waited for near 3 hours. Still, we got our donuts. I had to make sure I pee before eating the donuts just in-case I get too excited and you know, pee in my pants. LO AND BEHOLD, they were GOOOOOOD, like, HEAVENLY. Omg, just look at the chocolate OOZING out of the donut. It is enough to make you go insane. [jaN3___*] 11:02 PM We had an og outing which consisted of Nessa, LL, Colleen, Sucheng, Carin, Timo, Abel, Dae Yeon, Nat, Gabriel, and I. We made hell lot of noise in the Cineleisure food court. Laughed like mad, and ate the tons delicious choc cookies LL brought back from Japan. Life with them is great even when we hav absolutely no plans :)) We made our way to PS carrefour to grab some bites, and headed over to Istana Park to stone. When there is og7, there'll be cards, and ultimately bridge. People came and left, and in the end we're left with Carin, LL, Timo, gabriel and I. While stoning, we suddenly got into the craze of video and image shooting. We did lots of "magic jumping" videos which I hav no idea how to post it up here so you guys can see (just look for me), and tons of retarded (REALLY retarded) pictures. We did these until around 7, then we went home. I know my post din really sound that much of an excitement, but trust me, it was. I LOVE THEM.
[jaN3___*] 10:27 PM
(credit to LL who helped us take all the hilarious pictures :D) --------
HAHA, abel, you noe you are loved by all of us. (please dont call your gang and beat me up) [jaN3___*] Tuesday, March 20, 2007
8:30 PM Right after morning assembly, I got caught by the stupid I-will-hav-ur-attention-pls-let-the-light-pass-thru-between-u-and-ur-fren guy. The DM. "The young lady with black shoes! Come here!" Damn, that was hell. On the bright side, I made a discovery. The DM is pa jiao. So, my lovely black converse shoes got confiscated, and I had to change to some ugly, old, HUGE converse wanna-be bata shoes which i dont even know to whom it belonged to. The DM first said that I can change back to my shoes after school today, but when I went to the office to ask for my shoes, the stupid dunno who said she'll keep the shoes overnight and i can collect it tmr. I WORE THAT UGLY PAIR OF SHOES HOME. OMG. -------- Went to town with nessa, stevie and sab after school. Got my brother's birthday present (3 facial masks), and a pair of ripples slippers :)) I cant wait for tmr, and i'll be able to see my rocking ass OG! P.S, The Mr.Bean Holiday is only out on the 22nd Mar. Tml is the 21st :( IS THERE SNEAK PREVIEW!?!?
[jaN3___*] Monday, March 19, 2007
8:48 PM ok first, i went to the main ares website, but i hav to pay, so forget it. Then, i went to and searched for ares. After several irritated clicks, i managed to d/l the retarded software. BUT! The transfer rate is SO slow, i might as well say it's not working. After like a million years, it's still trying to CONNECT to the files i want to d/l. Damn. -------- Blahh, just got my timetable for the week. I hav like TONS of make-up lessons. They suck so bad. On the other hand, i'm quite proud of myself, cuz I stayed awake for all 5 lectures i had today :)) Get into that study mode and i'll be able to stick with it. Timo, get OUT of tt playing mood already would you. haha :D -------- Minor OG reunion was funnnn, and FUNNYYYYY~ Honestly, I never fail to laugh out loud when I'm with my OG. Seeing LL laugh just makes me laugh. Hearing abel say "wad are u all laughing at? it's not funny!" makes me laugh even harder. It feels good to even just hang around... talk and stone... everything's good :)) -------- Oh by the way, i REALLY REALLY would love it if you guys tag my board. Just to show that I'm not blogging for self entertainment, and that there's actually ppl out there who hav read my blog. I seriously wouldnt mind even if it may be just a "I've read ur stupid blog, U HAPPY NOW!?!?". HAHA :D --------Now that I got abel's assurance that he wont kill me in near future, here goes. "You watch out, Pontianak is coming to get you tonight." [jaN3___*] Sunday, March 18, 2007
7:29 PM ![]() [jaN3___*] 6:31 PM Haha anyway angel is bugging me to update. This is BAD. This means tt i'm LOSING tt blogging interest. SHIT. I mean, how difficult can it be to update once every 2 days?? REALLY DIFFICULT. HAHA fine, somebody just bug me everyday, and i'll do it. Just dont annoy me too much :D -------- Anyway friday's bbq was a sucker, the good sucker and the bad sucker. The good one first, I LOVE MY OG MATES (and my non-og mates as well). It felt like AGES since i've seen them. feels goooood to see their faces agn :) Anyway, as always (ok maybe not always), i'm on time and they're not. i reached exactly at 1, and i met sherman outside the body shop. Dae yeon's 15 mins late, timo 20, john 30, abel cera 30+, gabriel colleen nat 1 hour. But blahh, they're great ppl. HAHA! On a side note, nessa's seldom late :)) -------- We ate KFC, then headed to S'pore shopping centre for pool. Carin travelled all the way from tanah merah to town just to meet us when we realized tt pool is full. We decided to head straight for Pasir ris. Carin almost had a bitch fit. HAHA awww, i love you carin :)) -------- BBQ was fun mann, and i've learnt a valuable lesson. JUST CATER THE GAWD DAMN FOOD. They're ready to cook, relatively cheap, and YUMMY. Damn the chicken wings are the bomb. For the first time in my whole 16 years of being alive, I was actually FULL at a bbq. FULL. It's amazing, i'm telling you. -------- Now for the BIG ugly sucker of the day. After the bbq, timo and I were the last to leave. The sky was dark (10 plus) and the park was pretty much deserted. No no no, we din do anth tt'll violate the law. We just got LOST in tt FRIGGING HUGE PARK. -------- Timo "I think is tt way la" Me "really?" Timo "Think so, shd be la" Me "ya.. shd be." walk walk walk... Me "Err.. i dont rmb seeing tt.. tt plantation thing before" Timo "HAHA, neither hav i" We're lost. -------- We passed by several couples on the verge of publically making out, walked some more, made a big round and ended up at where we started. After many excruciating steps (for me) , we made our way out. By then, it was 11. On the bright side, all tt chicken wing fats are burnt. We stepped into the 7-11 beside pasir ris mrt and bought some drinks. The queue ripped us about 10 minutes of our time. And when things cant possibly become worse, it did. "Your attention please, there are no more trains left to depart from this station." Fuck, we missed our last train. -------- Stranded in pasir ris when both Timo and I live in the west side, things werent looking tt great. I called my dad, hoping he'd be a kind soul and pick us up. And hey ho! Fat chance. Got a big time scolding over the phone, and had to cab home with Timo. After I got home, got a even bigger scolding, and whoo hoo, got grounded. wtf. For the first time agn in my whole 16 years of being pathetically alive, I got grounded. Honestly, I'm not SUCH a spoilt brat tt i've never been grounded. I just never went far enough to miss the last train back home. Although he doesnt follow the ang moh ways of literally grounding me for so and so weeks, he just told me tt i cant go out anymore. Guess i'll be grounded until he's happy again! -------- Still, overall, friday was a blast. I'm seriously gonna miss my honey bunches like shit loads... No matter how much we say that we're gonna keep in touch, blah blah, things wont be the same anymore. We're gonna hav our new lives, new frens to spend time with. Nevertheless, i'll still be naive and hope to see everyone in future gatherings :)) Reality checked. -------- [jaN3___*] Thursday, March 15, 2007
1:30 AM Anyway, as promised, here's my testimonials for my SA sweetie pies :)) I'm so glad you got into AC with me, cuz i cant live without you my darling! Love you many many much :))
Sometimes, when I feel down, your mere presence will give me the thought "Hey, what the heck, I'll just enjoy my day with LL, cuz tt's the life", and we'll start screaming and laughing and having the time of our lives :)) LL, I'm so glad you entered my life, please dont leave it so soon. MISS YOU LOADS.
Thanks for being my JC occasional bus buddy, u rock!! Haha :))
"I'm a member, are you?" I love you colleen, and you're not fat. Really :))
I'll miss you when you go to PJ... and belly buttons cannot die... HAHA :)) Tunku Abdul Rahman Mohammed.
Abel, thanks for bringing joy and laughter into my life, though they may contain a highly excessive amount of vulgar. I've had fun :)) --------------- DISCO NIGHT!! --------------- OG7, although most of us are splitting up and going to different schools, I just want to tell you guys that you made a difference to my life. There's a hole in my heart where you all should be. I love you people. --------------- Dreams, Dreams Of when we had just started things Dreams of you and me It seems, It seems That I can't shake those memories I wonder if you have the same dreams too. The littlest things that take me there I know it sounds lame but its so true I know its not right, but it seems unfair That the things are reminding me of you Sometimes I wish we could just pretend Even if only for one weekend So come on, Tell me Is this the end? ---------------- Sunday, March 11, 2007
1:10 AM I'm so angry, I have no mood to blog anymore for today. Haha actually tt's more or less just an excuse la. I really want to sleep already, I can hear my bed calling my name, and it sounded so sweet. HAHA :D well SA sweeties, guess your testimonials have to be postponed again!! sorry dudes, but good night!!! [jaN3___*] 12:32 AM Saturday, March 10, 2007
12:57 AM Tonight was the disco night, and i'm seriously too shagged to type much. So yup, good night ya? Tatas! [jaN3___*] Thursday, March 8, 2007
7:09 PM I know we've hardly been tt "fiery, passionate re qing" kind of best friends, but I believe that our "xi shui chang liu" kind of relationship will bring us far far far. You allow me to feel at ease around you anytime anywhere, and I doubt it'll change much in the future. Our frequent arguements and buai-song-ness has taught me not to take friendship for granted, and ALSO, get to know you alot better (like, when to stop irritating you, esp when you start "wad u wannn??"-ing in the high pitched voice). HAHA :D I love you, for your laughter, your siaowness and the fact tt we seem to be able to conduct telepathy. I've always admired you for the things you can do and I cant, like your intelligence, your ability to speak and write good english, your great leadership and much more. You may not think tt you're great in some ways, or perhaps not satisfied with yourself is areas such as your studies. But believe me, you're great the way you are. I love you, for you cuteness, your sincerity, your cheekiness, and you always correcting me in my "It's my friend and I, not me and my friend."
Although you said tt you dunno how to face me when you realize we both got into AC, I'm still glad that we're going to the same school. Your presence give me a sense of familiarity, wdv tt is. I love you, for being the sensible one, just what a whole group of crazy people need.
Your brain always churn out some devious plan and prank, and not to mention you Do execute them. They crack me up. That radiance glow around you always light me up, cheering me up when things seem gloomy. Your casual personality has taught me not to take things too seriously sometimes, cuz they just may not be as bad as they seem. I love you, for your carefree-ness, your kiddy laughter, BUT NOT SO MUCH OF YOU always trying to trip me and making me bai kahh. HAHA :))
You one hell of a whacko when it comes to fun and play time, but when it comes to the time when we need to study, I really appreciate it when you go "aiya! shaddup la! people wan to study one ok??? you all go study also la!!". HAHA! But really, thanks to you, I'll really go home and study for at least a bit after we had lunch at thai noodle house, or the laska place at 6th avenue. I love you, for your RANDOMNESS, your nagginess and your "i'm high!" dance. Lindy my darling, I've hardly contacted you this year, i know. I dont know if you will read this post, but I want to let you know as well, that your sweetness melts my heart. It's a pity we have not got to know each other in depth, but I'm agn really thankful that you're always accepting with arms wide open, giving me the motherly love when I feel sourish. I love you, for your anti-sunshine actions, your sugariness, and your bah bah (oops). HAHA :)) -------- You're my hunny bun, sugar plum, pumpy upmpy upmpkin. You're my sweetie pie.You're my cuppy cake, gumdrop,shygumsshmigums pure, The apple of my eye! And I love you so, and I want you to know that i'll always be right here. And I love to sing this song to you, Because you are so dear! --------love love, [jaN3___*] Monday, March 5, 2007
7:41 PM ![]() ![]() ![]() Angie and cheryl AND JESS (just tt i dont hav jess's recent pics) !! I dunno if you guys do read my blog, but I just want to tell u 3 tt i still love ya lots lots lots. You ppl are MY LIFE. love love, [jaN3___*] |
Cheerleading Jesslyn LL Sucheng Timothy Abel Vanessa Dae Yeon Grace MusTus OG7 :D Steven detonatedlove tstrayer76 SCC MJ horizonroad memories