Thursday, July 26, 2007
11:44 PM Fuck, I've never been so fucking busy in my whole life before. This is getting out of hand. I'm getting really pissed off at life. Fuck life. Oh nessa darling, I'm terribly sorry that I havent posted about the "weird things about you" thing. I'll do it asap ya! Love you tons! FUCK LIFE AGAIN. Wednesday, July 25, 2007
9:18 PM How do you measure, measure a year? I am getting older by the day. For some reason, time seems to pass at breakneck speed. One day after another, one week after another, one MONTH after another. Is it just that my memory's getting better, or is time really passing by too quickly for me to register. We're almost stepping into August, and to think the day I stepped into AC's already a whole four months ago. Is four months a long long period of time? I always question myself, why in the world am I taking so long to adapt. Wait, I think I've adapted, but, why in the world am I taking so long to fall in love with AC? P.S I have yet to done so. True, I have friends, great friends in AC. However, I'm still not waking up each morning without dreading going to school. I see my friends saying: "Oh God... I hate school too. So much fucking work to do. The only thing that keeps me going, the sole reason why I WANT to go to school, is to see all my classmates and friends." Hmm... I'm not saying I dont love my friends in AC. I have people in there who're keeping me going, people like Nessa, Jess, Ah Chua, Si Meng, and their awesome lovely classmates. I'm growing to like my classmates more, esp Sylvie. But thing is, I had something so much better, everything seems bland now. I must again stress that, I really really love some people in AC, they're probably the people that's keeping me from breaking down time and again. I dont know how to express myself properly... it's just... Arghh. Forget it. I'm making myself frustrated and upset and I think I should stop. [jan3___*] Friday, July 20, 2007
12:15 PM Today was speech day. Going back to my secondary school brought back alot of memories. At the same time, I seem to view st.margs in a different light. Have I been living through my secondary school years as a naive, innocent little girl? I used to think it is a great school, but now I'm not so sure anymore. How could I have missed all those ugly school politics right in front of my eyes? Maybe now, standing as an "outsider", I am finally able to see past that holy veil of "saint", and see that glimpse of evil shadow underneath. No, dont get me wrong. I love my classmates, my schoolmates. They're wonderful people. But just look at the whole school system. Look at the people running it, what can you see? CORRUPTION. Everything is so wrong. I believe and understand that to a certain extent, every school will have some kind of unmentioned politics. But in that case, why let us see it? Why not just suck all the advantages you can get and keep it a secret? You, the big boss of the school. You're the worst amongst them all. You have not gained any respect from anyone of us because you're so full of shit. Please, dont act so honourable and holy, because all you know is how to accuse people of something they did not do. Dont jump the gun, and think you've got it all figured, because you didnt. I used to love the school so much, but you spoilt it all. You, owe the entire school population an apology. YOU, owe the entire school population an apology for being such a shitass principal. Sue me. -------- Eeee, that woman spoils my mood. Anyway if you ignore all those ugly shit about school, going back there sure was fun :)) Seeing all those familiar faces, esp people like jia lin gives me that sugar rush. A bad thing happened just before speech day, but I shant mention it anymore, still, u ought to know that we all still love you wooooo :DDD Miss Eunice Olsen was our guest of honour, cuz she was a ex st.margs girl. For those who doesnt know who she is, she's the nominated member of parliament and ex miss singapore universe. Haha she's pretty as hell. She was a ex ACJC girl too, and when I went up stage to receive the prize from her, she shook my hand and asked like "oh, you're from ACJC too? you're from arts fac or science?". Xiao Xuan was so jealous she almost wanted to kill me. I bet she have a secret crush on Ms Olsen or smth. HAHA :D Took alot of pictures after speech day (including 2 with Ms Olsen). We started fooling around while everybody's busy enjoying refreshments. On that fateful night, Angel, my lovely lovely bestie, STUCK A FUCKING JELLYBEAN UP MY NOSE. OMG, YES! A JELLYBEAN!! UP MY NOSTRILL!!! It's not even like those round small oval jellybeans you normally see. It's like the shape of a medicine capsule but EVEN LONGER!!! Angel took that red thing between her fingers and menacingly shoved it up my nose. GAWD, the WHOLE THING went it. I was like laughing and screaming while trying to dig it out. Man it was tough, I had to use my nails, dig into it and after like wad 15 secs (and if you're in my shoe you'd also know that 15 secs super long) I managed to take it out. Oh ho, dont think I'll happily laugh it off. I chased Angel all around the canteen, with that contaminated jellybean still between my fingers. I shouted and screamed at her, threatening to shove it, this time, down her throat. In the end, we were both tired of running, so she decided and said "ok ok fine, I'll do it to myself too ya." She took another jellybean and stuck it in her nose, and we took a picture. Niceeee :DDD Haha that was frigging fun, but the not so fun part is that for the next 2 days, my pi sai was wad, PINK in colour. I thought I nose bled ok. TWO DAYS, PINK PI SAI. Imagine that.
![]() -------- Finally got back the result slip for term exams. Thanks to those common tests and assignments, I did pretty ok overall. Chinese - A Biology - B Chemistry - C Econs - D Gp - E Maths - E Haha I actually got a U for maths in the exam, but my tests pulled me up to a E :D My brother JUST realize that I take econs as a H1, and for some stupid reason he's super pissed off. He thought I take 4 H2s, and was pissed at why I didnt discuss with him. Like hello I told him I'm taking BCMe, and he didnt bother asking anything. He conveniently assumed that it's normal to take 4 H2s. He's in frigging Hwa Chong for goodness sake. It's the norm THERE, doesnt mean it is everywhere else. I think he has never even heard of 3 H2s and 1 H1. I swear he's more naggy than anybody's mum, and he's only 18. Freakkkkkk. [jaN3___*] Thursday, July 19, 2007
10:41 PM Anybody want to make a guess? YES YES blogger is failing me again. Why wont it let me post my pictures? I managed to post 4, but after that, nada. So frustrating. Maybe it's karma, from cursing blogger too much. Oh blogger blogger, I love you so, you are my chocolate mousse (or something I cant rmb but it appeared before in nessa's poem for herself in my blog) LET ME POST MY PICTURES!! I'm not in the mood anymore. I was looking at the pictures I wanted to post and thinking of the things I wanted to say, but since I cant post them, my mood is gone. teesshhh. I'll try again tmr. The fortunate survivors of blogger's picture barrier. Hong Kong Neoprints :DDDD Friday, July 6, 2007
11:21 PM And all that I can see, is just the yellow lemon tree. That's my recent favourite song. Old, yes I know. The lyrics doesn't even really make sense, but I just really like it :)) So far I've only gotten back my Chem and Math paper, both bearing ridiculous results. Ridiculously surprising good results. Haha not that I did well, hell the results sucks, but considering I went "Yayy! I'm Screwed!" after finishing every paper, the results I got back was far better than expected. I expected to have borderline fail or worse for chem (which I only started studying the 2 days before the exam, like seriously), and freak I got 35.5/60 (59%). I only need half a mark more to get a B but I'm not complaining! As for Math, ha. I left at least 25 marks worth of blanks in the total 50 marks paper. After the paper I was like thinking to myself I cant even guarantee myself a double digit. Math is like my most screwed paper, like you-can-get-zero screwed. But the marker must have liked my handwriting or something, cuz I got 18/50 (36%) which is a U, but HAHA I was SO happy. Like really :D Today my bio teacher gave a a sneak peek on our bio paper. She flashed the mcq answers on the board so that we can mark our answers if we scribbled them on our question booklet. I got 17/20, which is a great sign. Please please please give me a A for bio. At least there'll be something to show my brother and pray to God he wont ban me from using the computer. Like weird huh, I'm not even worried about what my parents would do to me, cuz they dont normally do anything. My brother is such an old fart. And to think he's only 1 year older than me. Freaky old man. -------- The terms exam ended with me shrieking in delight, with little care about how badly I did for all my papers. That was 29th june, which happens to be Cheryl's birthday. As usual, sexy 7 planned a surprise party for her. We plan a surprise for everyone, so much so that you know it's sure to come and it's not really a surprise anymore. Haha in any case it's still nice to receive pleasant "surprises" isn't it :)) Cheryl went out with a friend for dinner, which gave us a good opportunity to sneak into her house and decorate her room. When we reached her house, we shouted for the maid but nobody answered, so we just opened the gate, opened the door and went in. Just think how easily a thief can do the same thing without anybody knowing :/ After drawing on her windows, blowing lots of balloons and sticking stuff on her ceiling, we called cheryl and met her for pool. She thought we're just gonna stay with her for pool, and was disappointed that we didnt plan any sort of celebration for her (surprise semi successful!). Cheryl, Jess, Angel, Sophie, Louisa and I played pool till around 11, and I said I'm damn tired, and was lazy to take bus back to cheryl's house. Jess stalled Cheryl and louisa by telling them to buy prata for us, while we quickly cabbed back to cheryl's house. Everything was going well, and when this happens, you know that something's just bound to go wrong. Louisa didnt know about the surprise party, so when the 3 of them walked back home, louisa looked up and said "hey cheryl! your room's lights are on!". Cheryl looked up, and saw the big fat words we wrote on her window panes, like "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and "WE LOVE YOU CHERYL". Surprise surprise! Haha even though it didnt turn out all that well, we had a great time eating prata and talking rubbish. I laughed a hell lot, and was really happy that whole night. That was until my mum called me and shouted at me over the phone. Haha I cant blame her, it was 2am and I didnt even call home before that. So I rushed home, and inevitably got a huge scolding from my parents. -------- 3rd of july's my Mum's birthday, so the day before, I met up with angel cheryl and jess to get her a present. We spent most of the time fooling around instead. Haha :)) I was wearing my heels, and had been walking non-stop for hours. The pressure on my sole almost caused my knees to buckle. After looking around for DAMN long and still nothing found, I decided to just get her a gel eye mask from crabtree and evelyn. My mum's got eye bag problems, and fortunately she likes it! We didnt have school on tuesday too, cuz it was still an exam day but has got nothing to do with us. It was pretty coincidental cuz tuesday's my mum's birthday! I dont know how old my Mum is now, so I just went to ask her. "Mamee, how old are you now?" "25." And she gave me a I'm-a-young-fresh-girl grin. Like omg. Haha :) As her "birthday present", my dad decided to treat her to a dinner. We ate seafood and the abalones sure are good stuff man :D I'm so blessed. Haha! My brother got her a book. Like please, my mum NEVER reads. Magazines definitely, but a touching novel that talks about a grandmother? No way. My sister is pretty smart to get her a cd of a old singer. It cost 20 dollars and I was rather shocked she'd spend that amount for my mum's present. Freak, my present's only 13 dollars. HAHA! IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS. -------- Wednesday was SUCH a bad day for me. SO BAD. Like OMG why the hell is this happening kind of bad. I'm so tempted to scold "fuck" right now but I'm trying to restrain myself, cuz my brother say it's not cool for girls to say fuck :/ Anyway school resumed on wednesday. I woke up and early in the morning have to be annoyed by a really A bunch of us got up the bus and starting tapping cards. I couldnt find mine so I put my bag on the platform beside the door and started looking for my wallet. At the same time, a AC student put in 55 cents into the coin box thing and walked deeper into the bus. Before getting 5 steps away, the bus uncle half stood and shouted at him. YES LIKE SHOUTED "Ey you you! Come back come back! Where's your bus concession (student ez-link)??" "Huh? er.. I din bring." "Didnt bring then i cannot give you half price! pay now, 1 dollar!" I mean like, ok fine it's not that he's wrong, but his tone was SO kao bei. The guy's already wearing AC's uniform. He think people will go around wearing uniform at 6.30am just to pretend to ba a student and get half price meh. Cheapskate also got limit one wad. And that's not even all. So the guy paid his money and everyone eventually settled down. I finally found my wallet and tapped it. But cuz the bus was already moving, I stayed there continue standing, cuz I wanted to wait for the bus to stop before moving in. When he bus's approaching the next bus stop, the uncle suddenly turn around (OMG LIKE KEEP YOUR STUPID EYES ON THE ROAD) and snapped at me. "Ey hello, move to the rear. Move in!" I just stood and stared at him. "Ey you! Move in!" "Uncle! I'm just waiting for the bus to stop!" "The bus stop already, move in!" WA LAO! THE BUS HAVENT STOP YET LAR! Seriously, it HAVENT stopped yet. I was SO pissed. Wad's his problem. I mean like, I will definitely move in, I just dont want to fall down unnecessarily. Even so, the board in the bus says "PLEASE move to the rear", not "You MUST move to the rear or I'll be a real pain in the ass and give you some attitude problem". He's like some menopause uncle or something. And he really should be worrying about hypertension. Tsk. Okay that was a bad morning, and there's still more to where that came from. Without change, wednesdays are days that starts at 8 and end at 2, with only a 20 minutes break for the whole day, which is used to change out of PE. Talk about pe, we had to PRACTISE 2.4. I was totally caught off guard on that one. I was wearing converse and a tight bra that doesnt exactly facilitate breathing. I ran and at the 5 round, got cramps on my calves. So I continued anyway, for that practise, I passes by ONE frigging second. So close. But the cramp didnt stop. I couldnt change out of PE in time during the break, so had to after the next class. With the cramp still following me around (by the way, my legs are STILL hurting from the cramps. Like, I cant gek my muscles there without having them on the verge of cramping again. Feel my pain.) , I ran un the stairs to my lecture hall, which I was unfortunately late. When asked for reason, I said I had to change out, but she didnt give me enogh time to tell her about the cramps, so I was still scolded. Next lecture wasnt all that better either. Actually, it was pretty funny. The period was chem lecture, and when I asked my classmates where it is held, she said LT2. They went to the toilet so I followed a crowd into LT2. When I went in, the lecturer inside told me to lock the door. I did in and turned around, searching for my class. I couldnt find any of them, nor can I find nessa's class, which's in the same lecture as me. A bit confused, I just found a seat and sat down. I started msging my classmate, saying that the lecturer has locked the door, so they should hurry up. I looked up, and saw Lancelot Lim. "Take out your lecture notes now" I thought "What the hell is Lancelot Lim doing in a chem lecture? Isnt he a econs teacher? Whao, he even teaches chem? cool!" I looked at the visualizer and tried to figure out where the lecture stopped, but I saw words like "firms", "acquisition", and I was like, WHAT CHAPTER IS THIS THAT TALKS ABOUT FIRMS!? Then, I received a call. I bent down and picked it up. "OMG JANE, YOU'RE IN THE WRONG LT. IT'S LT1!!!" I was like thinking, "omg jane, you're fucked big time." I sat there for about 10 seconds, not knowing what to do. After gathering lots of courage from who-knows-where, I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs, stopping in front of Lancelot. (damn softly) "em sir... I went to the wrong LT..." Lancelot (move closer) : "what?" Since he moved closer, the mike that he was holding obviously came closer as well. I used my hand to block the mike, and said damn softly again that I went to the wrong LT. I think he caught it this time, and realized why I pushed the mike away. He acted deaf and was like "Huh? Say again?", and he moved his mike directly in front of my mouth. Like OMG. "Say into the mike again?" OMG HE WANTS ME TO TELL THE WHOLE LT. I was like SUPER embarrassed and had my tongue tied. The whole LT realized what's happening and everyone was like laughing at me. OH MY GAWD. So Lancelot had his fun, and finally let me off. I ran to the door and pushed it. Since it didnt open, I pulled it. It didnt open either, then I realized I LOCKED THE DOOR JUST NOW. LIKE WTH HOW CAN I FORGET. I unbolt the lock and hell yea bolted out of the LT. SO MALU. SO SO SO MALU. All those excitements of the day had me landed with an extreme headache. I think partly from wasted too much energy during PE. Well that was more or less the end of my bad day, which was thankfully made much better when I went to nessa's house :)) -------- Nothing much happened for the last 2 days, and even if there were I'm too tired to really say anymore. I'll do this again another day laa.
[jaN3___*] |
Cheerleading Jesslyn LL Sucheng Timothy Abel Vanessa Dae Yeon Grace MusTus OG7 :D Steven detonatedlove tstrayer76 SCC MJ horizonroad memories