Friday, October 19, 2007
6:52 PM A few days ago (um I cant rmb exactly when, cuz I'm losing track of the days) LL came over to my hse for breakfastttt!!! We were really excited about it the night before, discussing feverishly on what to cook, and what to wear. Since it's gonna be a cool british style breakfast, we suggested wearing frocks (which we dont have), and sun hats (which we dont have as well). Then LL say we can dress like Harry potter, and talk in an british accent while eating :D She arrived in the morning, wearing nothing that resembles the british (I was still in my PJ), though she cleverly wore a "oxford street" shirt which she insists is a road in Britain. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It was a really fun day, and we should do it more often :DDD ![]() [jaN3___*] Wednesday, October 10, 2007
8:57 PM ![]() ![]()
[jaN3___*] Monday, October 8, 2007
8:50 PM I know, my blog's been dead for eons. I'm really bored of blogging but I'll still blog anyway. People must have wondered "Whao that Jane Wong so long never come online nor blog, she must be studying really hard for her promos huh!". WRONG!!!! I ought to be slapped for magnificiently under-utilizing my time for that whole month before promos. I surf the web, watch stuff on crunchy roll, so much so that my bro made "crunchy roll" a verb and an adjective. "Go back to crunchy rolling la you crunchy roll girl. Go fail your promos and get retained." Haha nice :D But honestly, I really starting to worry, what if I really get retained. I dont really mind if I go into probation. That'll probably be smth to motivate me to study during the holidays. Ohh what's my life gonna be like. I'll know in a few more days time. It's like you're counting down to dooms day you know. Ackk. -------- My maths paper was... Ha. I dont know. Just like Marc, I might get the grade "Z" for this paper. Oh wait, Marc will prolly get a "Y" and I'll get a "Z". Frankly speaking I didnt study a single bit for math. I was just placing my bet on Chem and Bio, so I din give a damn about maths. Nessa must feel really hurt to hear this. I feel like I've let her down or smth, seeing that she's the Goddess of Maths. I even thought of skipping the maths paper altogether so I can study for chem but nessa said "Dont be stupid" so I went afterall. I just know that, my maths tutor will be making me sit right in front of him for the whole of next year. Oh the horror. -------- And finally promos are over. I dont know if I deserve to feel so happy and enjoy this period so much since I din study all that hard anyway. But ah, I am enjoying life. For now. I suppose these 2 months would be the last I'll be playing. I mean, it would be the case given that I dont succumb to temptations and fool around again next year. Oh God I hope I become a OGL. -------- Eee I was just blogging halfway when my brother barged in and took over the comp. He needed to edit his graduation speech thingy, and he recited his speech to me over and over agn. Below is actually the pic that's gonna be posted in the yearbook or smth. Yes, with that black bar over his eyes that makes him look like some rapist on the loose. -------- ![]() I had to hold this post cuz I received a phone call. It's 11 now and I dont plan on continuing with my post so I'll just stop here! [jaN3___*] Thursday, October 4, 2007
9:47 PM BAHH I'M BORED OF BLOGGING. [jaN3___*] |
Cheerleading Jesslyn LL Sucheng Timothy Abel Vanessa Dae Yeon Grace MusTus OG7 :D Steven detonatedlove tstrayer76 SCC MJ horizonroad memories