Thursday, November 22, 2007
10:44 PM And the above sentence refers to all the good men on earth. Oh but it has nothing to do with the Jap guys below. I don't even know if they're attached. ![]()
--------------- Haha actually I'm very very afraid of shopping for friends. A lot of them will tell me, hmm buy whatever you think is nice cuz I trust your taste. It's a typical answer and I dont blame anyone for saying that cuz I do that sometimes too. But instead of making things easier, it's much much more difficult to buy things this way. What if she doesn't like it? What if only I think it's nice but nobody else does?? Then, this fear takes over and I wouldn't dare to buy anything. Money is involved in this so if my friend doesn't like it I really don't know what to do with it. I'll definitely not ask her to pay for it since it's not what she wants anyway, but most of the time I cant have it for myself DUE TO MY ABNORMAL HEIGHT AND SIZE. Moral of the story: be as specific as possible. To make things even easier find pictures that looks similar to the type of things you want, just for reference. Ahh but what's the use of saying this now I'm already leaving in less than 14 hours. Haha :) IT'S ALRIGHT DARLINGS I'LL TRY MY BEST TO GET YOU PEOPLE NICE NICE STUFF!
Bye chums! [jaN3___*] Tuesday, November 20, 2007
5:46 PM Rocky That thing that walks on four and lives with me. Ahh, how many years since I've had him? I was Primary 5 then, so that's nearing 6 years. Whoo hoo 6 years of husband and wife relationship (damn I'm deprived) <3 I remember going to the pet shop with my Mum and Dad, and the shop keeper showed us 2 german shepherd pups. They were penned up, but once we approached them, one gleefully pranced foward, and tried all its might to jump out of the pen to reach us. His brother, just sat at its original position, classy and quiet. Dad: "wah wah, the 2 brothers very different eh." Mum: "I think the quiet one is better la, the other one looks like it'll chew on all the furnitures." Me: "No no no no! This one this one (points to noisy son of a bitch)!" And that's how you got a good home rocky baby :D -------- Rocky was placed in a cardboard box with ventilation holes, and was placed at the back of our 7 seater car (not in the boot dude we're not crazy). Throughout the whole journey he scratched and whimpered, man he was barking mad. After 15 minutes of noise, it finally stopped. I turned back to check on him and whoo, he bit a huge hole on the cardboard box and promptly crawled out. Dont ask me how he does it. Most of the time I think he's just a stupid dog but maybe he is quite smart afterall :) How did we (me, mostly) name him? I remember a few months back our whole family watched this HK drama, with a german shepherd named rocky. There. -------- 6 years... SHUO CHANG BU CHANG, SHUO DUAN BU DUAN (say long not long, say short not short). In the dog years, he's a 40 plus years old uncle already. But I believe he's gonna stick around quite a few years more so I'm gonna give you lots of love baby! -------- Today, my crazy brother woke me up at 7.30, to bring stupid dog to a field behind MGS. According to him, tuesday mornings have the least people around so it's the best day to bring him out and let him run "freely" (we're not very confident that he doesn't bite you see...). But hey ho you all, my dog is friendly as long as you approach him immediately and touch him. It's tested and proven by the few friends who came over to my house and was forced to play with rocky (sorry darling guinea pigs). When we reached KAP macs, I told my brother, umm, isn't there going to be people at the bus stop since it's like peak hour now. After a few moments of "wa lao"s, we scissors paper stoned to see who have to walk back to take rocky's muzzle. Thank Goodness I won. When we were passing the bus stop, 2 big buff guys were walking towards us to the bus stop. Being 2 big buff guys, they sure looked chicken when they saw rocky. I dont know, they just kept staring and staring at rocky, and you can very obviously tell they deter and tried to stay as far away as possible when they pass us. Is rocky really that itimidating? But he's so cute. After much stopping and hiding to keep rocky from scaring strangers, we finally reached that place. But rocky is tired already. Dammit you stupid dog. We brought him there to let him run around and play and everything but all he did was LIE DOWN PANTING. He responded to the tennis ball and frisbee with little interest. I wanted to kick him ok. So I ended up taking pictures. ![]()
![]() [jaN3___*] Friday, November 16, 2007
8:13 PM It was nothing short of a miracle. 9th, 14th and 15th of Nov, 3 days of being a Japanese tour guide. They were experiences like never before. It is with technology that almost nothing seem impossible. Day 1 was with Miki, Kaori, Tomoko, and Riho. That proved to be the toughest day of all, with me still not used to their language, and them with really really limited English. I learnt a lot of lessons on that day alone, like it is very much advisable to ask them where THEY wanna go first, instead of going ahead with our own plan then realize they just want to go shopping. Also, what we think is cheap, may not be cheap for them. After the first day, I know I have a lot of brushing up to do. I created a list of commonly used words and phrases in jap, and also watched a local tv show on touring in Little India, all for the sake of being a better tour guide for the japanese the next working day. -------- Day 2, I had Mitsuki, Minami, Haruna, Megumi, and 2 more girls whose name I could barely remember. Minami is actually one of Nessa's girls, but she followed Deborah and I to Vivo City while the rest of her group went to Orchard. She left me with a very deep impression cuz she was extremely extremely adorable and sweet. Day 2 was considerably much less tiring, cuz most of the time was spent in Vivocity, which simply equals AIR-CON. Before that we were in Little India, but we never stayed long. One very very scary lesson was learnt on that day. Deborah's, Nessa's and my group travelled together, totalling up to 18 girls. When we were boarding the train, 10 of them managed to squeeze in, BUT SUDDENLY THE DOOR JUST CLOSED ON US. 10 JAP GIRLS ON THE TRAIN WITH ALMOST NO ENGLISH SPEAKING ABILITY, AND 3 (ALL) OF THEIR TOUR GUIDES NOT ON THE TRAIN. We freaked out like mad. We banged furiously on the door, and I even jumped up and down screaming at the camera hoping that son of a bitch station master would notice something and reopen the door. BUT NO, the train just zoomed and whoopee we lost them. Nessa looked as if she's going to faint, and I tried convincing myself and the others that with common sense, the girls should alight at the next stop since they have no idea where they're supposed to stop. Luckily, one of the girls called another tour guide, and they told him they'll drop at City hall. WHAT A EFFING RELIEF. Seeing them safe and sound I was filled with utmost joy. Moral of the story: let one guide get on the train before any jappie does. The day ended with a very disturbing twist. I was about to send the girls back to the hotel, when they exclaimed: "No no! We, want to go, HOUSE OF CONDOM." OH, MY, GOD. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD. I thought my ears were playing tricks on me due to excessive usage but NO, they repeated "HOUSE OF CONDOM". Jesus, I tried to escape from this situation by saying and saying that we have no time we have to go back, but they on the other hand, insist that it's okay "daijobu daijobu". I grimaced at Debbie, had no other choice, and told them to hurry up I'll give them 10 minutes. You should see those excitement on their faces. We rushed to HOC, most of them went in while deb and I waited outside. After idling outside for about a minute, I realize the uncles on the porch above were staring and staring at us. Then I thought "CRAP WHAT KIND OF A MESSAGE ARE WE SENDING TO THE PUBLIC, STANDING OUTSIDE HOC LIKE THIS!?" Man it was disturbing. They came out, all with a small bag of condoms, one of the girls even offered us a condom. I asked them why they want to go there, and they typed in the translator "interest". They even mentioned that "Japan condom, size small." Yea and I really needed to know that :/ -------- Day 3, the day which I had the most fun, and is also the most memorable day of all. My group has 7 boys, namely Daiki, Naoki, Shinya, Takashi, Bob, Toshiki (Hard Gay), and Hayato (Hentai). Girls are cute and we share similar likings like SHOPPING, singers, manga and other stuff, but boys are starkly different. Firstly, they are NOISY, really really noisy. Not the squeal squeal "oooh" like us girls do, but the "JANE WA HENTAI DES" kind of noisy. The moment I was called out to their group, they gave me a paper with their supposed schedule and promptly turned away. I though they were the rebellious kind of boys who don't give a damn about anyone (with reference to 2 of abel's boys haha), but it turned out that we were actually SUPPOSED to walk back and wait at the table while the human jam of the previous groups downstairs clears. I was SO relieved when they offered me a seat at the table and started talking to me. Their english is surprisingly good. Especially Daiki, who got a max of 5 in his english grade, while Shinya got a 1. HAHA :D They're from Osaka, so maybe that explains the difference, cuz the others came from small towns around Osaka, where english is less of an emphasis to the students. I started of with the normal introduction, jokingly telling them my name's Hard Gay in desperation to break the ice. It seemed to work pretty well, with much help from Nessa when she came along, laughed like mad at the hard gay part and promptly did the hard gay hips thrusting move. They took the joke really well, and during names introduction, 2 of my boys decided to call themselves Hard Gay and Hentai. Very easy to remember :D -------- First destination was to Chinatown. When I first heard that they want to go there, I freaked out. Number 1, I have no idea how to get to that place, number 2, I have no idea where to bring them to within Chinatown (I'm Little India specialist). Thank God for Christine. Her group wants to go there too, so we made our way there together by bus. My boys have very fat wallets (I peeked and saw a wad of 50 dollar notes), but sadly no coins. So 2 dollars were used and I told them to return 1 dollar to whoever applicable. Sadly, without me noticing, poor Bob put in 5 bucks and walked to the rear of the bus. It was only after 5 minutes that he told me he didn't get any change, and then I told him you DON'T get any change. I felt rather guilty for not looking after his money properly but it was nonetheless very funny when he knew he just lost 4 bucks for nothing. Chinatown, is HOT. The heat was blaring at max and 30 seconds after getting off the bus I was soaking wet with sweat. Total unglamness I tell you. At 9 in the morning, nothing was opened. People's park was closed, and the hawker centre wasn't any better. Just as I though the tour is gonna screw up, lovely Christine suggest bringing them to the opposite side where a whole street of souvenirs are sold (which I have no idea existed until yesterday). We spend about an hour there, walking around but everything was almost the same. I finally convinced them that there really is nothing is Chinatown, and that we should leave and go somewhere else. -------- Then, we took a train down to Vivo. There again I saw that difference between girls and guys. The other time, when the girls saw candy empire, they screamed and ran towards it. This time, the guys didn't even notice candy empire until I pointed it out to them. The girls spent almost half an hour in that shop, buying lots and lots of sweet and biscuits. The guys, it didn't even last more than 15 minutes. Haha :D They were much more "on" than the girls too! I brought them up to the pool thing on the top level, and when I removed my shoes and socks and went in, all of them followed suit. We took some pictures and Shinya tried splashing water all over me. -------- Lunch was... hmm, very not singapore style. On day 2, I brought the girls to the food court and all of them bought JAP FOOD. Like what?? For one thing, the Jap food in Singapore is confirm plus chop not as good as that in Japan, and number 2 you come to singapore to eat your own country's food? It's like us going to India and eat Chinese food. Hmm. So, before I let them choose what they want to eat, I told them "strictly no Jap food". Then, with a recommendation from one of their other friends who also happened to eat there, all of them ordered chicken chop spag from the western stall, plus a plate of fries and chicken nugget. Okay I really dont know what to comment on that. Haha. Then, the moment I was waiting for. "Itadakimasu!" AHH EXCITING EXCITING. It's so cute to see them clapping their hands together and saying it in unison, just like on TV. Somehow it just gave me much satisfaction haha :D I ordered laksa and a cup of cold teh si for them to try, but it was way too sweet for their taste. They reacted the same way towards ice kachang. They even spat out the sweet corn, red bean, jelly AND AGACHI, well that makes almost everything. They didn't like the bak gua back in chinatown either. I dont blame them, since we're used to eating different stuff. But they responded very well to the "white rabbit milk candy", going "oiishi" (which proved to be very pleasant to my ears) and bought more to bring back to Japan. All of them finished their food in like 15 minutes, and I wasn't even halfway through, mainly due to trying to check words up on the translator to talk to them, and getting up to buy food for them to try. While still eating happily, I suddenly realized that they're all staring at me eat. Tio malu. Upon realizing that, I couldn't eat anymore, I wasn't even all that hungry already. I told them I'm done and let's go, but they refused and told me to continue eating. BUT HOW COULD I WITH 14 EYES STARING AT MY EVERY MOVE. Toshiki even tried feeding me omg how did that happen. In desperation, I told them to leave their things behind, and go to the toilet, go shop for 10 minutes or whatever. I had to plead them again and again, till finally they got up and walked. I thought I could eat in peace already, but as I was about to put a spoonful of laska into my mouth, I turned and saw all of their heads sticking out from a corner, still grinning and staring at me. Obviously they thought it is very fun to disturb me. I was exasperated. After shooing them away, I started eating very very quickly. I still couldnt finish the laska so I called the auntie to help me take the tray away. Wiping my mouth, I looked straight ahead and saw hayato staring right at me from afar. Omg they were everywhere. Idiots. Haha :) -------- Then, it was time to go back to DFS. On the train, I suddenly remembered someone saying something about jap and s'pore war before the day started, so I said to the boys: "Your grandfather killed (stabbing action) my grandfather." I later corrected that they didn't kill my grandfather since we migrated here, but rather my friends' grandfathers or great grandfathers. The point didnt get across to the boys, but it sure did to the rest of the passangers in that carraige. A woman heard me and she actually smiled showing her teeth. I stared at her and she quickly pretend that nothing has happened :/ We reported to the teachers and went down to take more pictures. As a last gift to them, I took out my henna pack and drew stuff on each of their hand like the date and our names. They did the same, BUT THEY DIDN'T WRITE NICE STUFF. You'll see.
Those boys were a bunch of monkeys, but I really like them a lot.
<3 [jaN3___*] Tuesday, November 13, 2007
8:07 PM Hey I realize I din post about the gingamabobz jap tour!! But I'm so lazy. And it's gonna be really long-winded. Maybe you should go read Abel's blog for a really negative (yet extremely funny) teriyaki boyz post, or Nessa's cutesy twistttt post :D So here would be my own "let-myself-rmb-what-happened" post. I woke up like REALLY REALLY early for this thing. I ate one banana. Dude somebody said to meet at 9, the students were only down at what 10.30!?!? That aint cool man. But nevertheless it's still very exciting to see people machine gunning "konichiwa ohayogozaimas arigato dcfhauornheakjvcndiuahfewaofj etc. etc.". Everybody got at least 6 or 7 jappy but somehow I only have 4. But hey I think that's a good thing, muchhh easier to handle cuz THEY CANT SPEAK ENGLISH FOR NUTS! "You (points), see (with action) merlion (raise one finger), zoo(raise second finger), this(raise third finger), that (raise fourth finger), in singapore (points to the ground) which (move 2 hands up and down), most (BIG action), good (good sign)?" AND THEY STILL DONT UNDERSTAND. Omg talk about language barrier. My girls are Miki, Kaori, Tomoko and Riho! They're really cute and sweet la, just a little shy due to lack of confidence in their english. But as Nessa said, you can tell that Miki is like the queen bee of her clique. She have this um aura thingy... I guess communication amongst us arent the worse alr, considering I have this book which I bought in HK on jap (which sadly nobody else could use cuz they're in chinese), and Miki hav this Barbie eng-jap translator. VERY USEFUL. Nessa and I teamed up and we brought them to Little india and bugis. We din have a lot of time, and mostly they just want to shop. "Little India... (makes smelly hand action)." HAHA OMG :D And I thought the flowers smelled pretty nice. Very very soon, it's 4 and we have to bring them back to the hotel. That few hours of bonding already made me miss them when we all said goodbyes. I got my girls' address and hoho I'm gonna mail them a postcard each. From 7 to 4, I ATE ONE BANANA (and 3 sotong balls). [jaN3___*] Sunday, November 11, 2007
6:40 PM
KRANDOM You know, blogger have this thingy like, the draft you saved, no matter how many days later you post it, it'll be posted under the date you saved the draft. Cool! Okay, am I the last person in this whole world to know about this. So anyway, I can just save a draft everyday with like what one letter in each post and really post the real thing months later and nobody would know. For example this post, you wouldnt know when I really posted this would you! HA! Big deal. ----------------- Why why why do you bluff me so Kbox?? On your website it's stated Kstudent check in between 2 to 7 and why is it that we only get to sing until 5.30?? "It says CHECK IN between 2 to 7, not sing from 2 to 7." %!(h37$@****!@ But LL and I were SO desperate to sing and feel that atmosphere, so we checked in anyway :/ SOOO EXPENSIVE. Before we went to Kbox, LL and I were on this topic about why is Kbox called Kbox. Why not Kcircle, or Krectangle? WHY BOX??? Oh oh maybe each room is like, a box. BUT NOT ALL ROOMS ARE CUBES OR CUBOIDS! Some are like, zig-zag shaped, and some funny funny shape. I suggest they change the name to Krandom. ![]() ![]() ![]() Dont get cheated by the cheap price baby. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [jaN3___*] Tuesday, November 6, 2007
8:42 PM I'm a healthy bitch :D Woohoo today felt like a really really productive day. Haha in the eyes of Jane Wong. I woke up early, cuz I was supposed to go out with SOMEBODY, but apparently that person Y was too shag last night and spent all of Y's money on cab fare and end up with no money to shop with me. Haha I waited and waited for that *(@#4@9%'s msg since 10 and Y only msged me at 12. I forgive you but you better treat me to lunch another day :D -------- Alright so I continued working on my winnie the pooh and friends puzzle, which I started a few days ago. 1000 peices and I'm 3/4 done. It's soooo pretty!! I mean, it's mostly my work (with much appreciated help from my sis), so shdn't it be hung in my room when it's done?? But noooo, my brother claims that he paid for it when we bought it 2 years ago, so it should be hung in HIS room. Omg what kind of rubbish theory is that. I suspect that he got the money back from my mum even. So in the end it'll be hung on the corridor. -------- Then, I spend the afternoon packing my files, reading some comics, and suddenly!!! URGE TO GO JOGGING. Haha omg I think it's a habit thing. Once you start you cant stop until a long long time. Like blogging. Oh man man I hope I wont start hating jogging all over again. I like sports, esp things like dancing and badminton (plus plus most importantly cheerleading haha) but it's very out of the way and you cant do it whenever you want to. So jogging is the best after all. I started running, and halfway through I received a msg that my vcd's 3 days overdue, so I ran back, took the vcd and headed towards the vcd shop. Alright I admit I walked quite a bit on the way there, but I had my wallet and my hp and a vcd on my hand, which proves to be rather difficult to run with, so.... On the way there I saw my brother at his school's bus stop, so I kinda forced him to wait for me while I return the vcd. We took a bus back, and bought stuff from cold storage. I left the house at 5, and only returned at 7. Goodness. So you see, I felt really really slim after all those exercise (HAHA), which is most probably not true but I'd still like to pretend it is. I will TRY to keep up with this glamorous healthy lifestyle so everyone out there please give me some much needed support thank you :DDD ![]()
[jaN3___*] Monday, November 5, 2007
7:26 PM The thrill of fast moving fingers. After 5 years of excruciating practise and disgusting disgusting theory, I finally passed all my graded paino exams :DDD It's a totally different thing when you can just play any songs you want freely, without the freaking ABRSM exam book floating before you all the time. I want to take my piano diploma, but that's gonna be after A levels, far far awayyyyyy. Ok, NOT very far away, but still. Recently I'm working on the soundtracks of jay chou's movie "secret". It's very very shiok when you play "secret" at super speed, but I'll still need much more practise to get to that perfect level. Haha :)) And the duet, is SO CUTE. LL, NESSA, WAI SUM, CHERYL!! All my piano playing friends, let's play it together baby(s)! -------- Went out with nessa darling today <3 SHE JUST COULDNT STOP WITH HER L. Haha man she's OBSSESSED. Poor ryan gosling (her old love). We watched "The game plan", which is pretty good, but not as great as I expected. There were a few funny scenes, but it doesnt really make you feel the plot. How should I put it. For example of the movie "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry", when they go aww, you go aww. When they get happy over something, you go oh yayy! Smth like that. Simply put, The game plan is not bad, but I'd suggest you watch smth else with that 7 or 8 dollars. ![]() Sunday, November 4, 2007
8:11 PM Give some respect! Honestly I dont know what my sister is thinking. She doesnt seem to know anything about respect. Our grandparents are such sweet people but all she thinks about them is that they are annoying :/ @3)(F%O*#6$U@(* She really need to learn a lesson or two. People, what can I do?? -------- On the other hand, I REALLY need to get down to my studying, or I'm gonna get it real bad from pKb when the supplementary paper results come out. But I'm going out tmr, and the day after, and the day after. HAHA :DDD Tmr I'm going out with this freak lady below. She scares me so much sometimes I'll be on the verge of peeing myself. Geez girl, it's a crime. Mummy I'm scared :(
[jaN3___*] Saturday, November 3, 2007
9:49 PM But Mr MCmuffin bread is gentlemanly enough to save everyone out there from excruciating pain by covering my face with his own :) -------- Ah chua, years down the road you better be wearing tank tops and tubes and mini skirts and all those revealing shit which are rotting in your cupboard right now! Or I wont let you come to HK with me. Haha! And I know desmond is a nice guy. He's just extremely stubborn and to a certain extent maybe even SHY. URGHHHHHH. HAHA well he's cool, and he's not one of the people making me feel uncomfortable :D [jaN3___*] 3:26 PM AH CHUA :D Is this random or what. Haha I went to read ah chua's blog just now (WHICH I HAVE NO IDEA IT'S OPEN TO PUBLIC AGAIN) and again realized how much of her life I've missed. Just got this sudden urge to like like... blog about us. We had been classmates since like sec 2. We were in the same clique for 2 years but was never very close. We talked quite a lot about those chim life thinking topics things cuz basically the 2 of us were the only people in the clique who does that. Haha :D Other than that we're of rather different personalities. I like to do crazy stuff while she's very composed. It was only until we entered J1 together that we became close. I never expected it to turn out that way but it's a very pleasant experience :) I'm not sure if she's actually opening up to me, but I felt that I knew her a whole lot better than I did in St.Margs. I suppose it all boils down to spending time together. When I entered AC, I hated it there. Almost everything was horrible as compared to the first 3 months in SA (a very unfair judgement towards AC but I couldnt help it). I didnt have much friends, and with me being very very very afraid of loneliness, I seek company from ah chua. Sounds selfish and self-centered huh? I think so too. But with all this time I spent with ah chua, I realized she's actually a great friend to be with. Not much of a havoc-creator, but an awesome company when you just feel like slacking and connect with mother nature and all that shit. Haha I'm not sure if I'm getting the point across but arghh, nevermind. For the first few months, I constantly look for her during lectures, sit with her during assembly and all that sort. I made friends with come of her classmates whom I really like, like Simeng and qy. Although, there are some of her classmates who always makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe it's just a normal reaction of people, having a stranger always barging into your class like she owns it, you put up a sort of resistive front. Simply put, I felt EXTRA. Sometimes it becomes really bad, and as the school year continues, I hardly ever sit with her and her class anymore. It's a pity really, cuz hi-bye friends equals not friends at all. The trip with her to Hong Kong was a blast. We had a lot of fun and created awesome memories. Will it ever happen again in future? I went to her old blog and realized there's a lot of things we did together that I almost forgot. Like this vivo guy. If I didnt read that entry, he's like non-existent to me. There's a lot left to be discovered in this friendship but I dont know if I'll still have the chance to explore it. Friday, November 2, 2007
Cheerleading Jesslyn LL Sucheng Timothy Abel Vanessa Dae Yeon Grace MusTus OG7 :D Steven detonatedlove tstrayer76 SCC MJ horizonroad memories