Thursday, December 11, 2008
7:46 PM Only managed to shop for a day before leaving for Hai Nan Island. By car. The ride was no joke. 8 hours on the road (not to forget the 8 hours back too). Sit. Sleep. Pee. Eat. Sit. Pee. Eat more. Sleep. I didn't dare shit, but constipation is really not a very pleasurable experience. It's not funny. I thought I was going to die from severe decaying of the butt. However, my Grandma's chicken is the BEST. Nothing beats Hai Nan's chicken (not the hainanese chicken rice you know which, is not from Hai nan but from Singapore). Other than thatttttt... let's just say that is about 90% of what I can say about the Hai Nan trip. Back to HK! I had one more day to shop before making my way around China with my family (by car AGAIN). My brother just arrived from Singapore since his NS only permitted him with a 2 week holiday. So, I spent my day accompanying him and sadly only end up buying a tee myself. I suppose it was a rather fruitful day already. I mean, I found a T-SHIRT. Okay so now, I'm in some part of China. Yes, china is big, there're lots of cows, ducks, chickens, stray dogs... I guess that just about sums up everything. Okay fine, some food's pretty good, some pretty gross. And then... oh my gawd I really cant think of much else to say. I'm very ummm.... BORED. I MISS MY DOG I MISS MY CHEER TEAM AND I MISS MY FRIENDSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! :/ Alright nevermind let my just look forward to returning to HK and having about half a week to SHOP AND SHOP AND SHOP AND SHOP SHOP SHOP AH SHOP!!!!!!!! MUST.DO.HOLIDAY.HOMEWORK. MUST.NOT.FORGET. PROBABLY.WILL.FORGET.ANYWAY. Tomorrow will be... check this, a TEN hour drive to another part of China. NOT COOL!! And I most likely will not have access to the Internet for the next dont know how many days. SO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAREST PFF, CHENG CHENG, CARIN, COLLEEN, JOHN, TIMO, AND JIAAA IN ADVANCE! :D :D :D To the few of my favourite people in the whole world, I'm VERY VERY thankful to have you guys! Another reason why I wish I never left Singapore. AND GOSH I MISS MY CHEER TEAM. |
Cheerleading Jesslyn LL Sucheng Timothy Abel Vanessa Dae Yeon Grace MusTus OG7 :D Steven detonatedlove tstrayer76 SCC MJ horizonroad memories